



Public Functions 20
Event Types 6
Code Size 29,629 bytes

Library Use

Uses AddressUtils for address.
Uses SafeMath for uint256.
Uses ECVerify for bytes32.

Events (6) keyboard_arrow_up

AdminChanged Event

Parameters help
address help
address help

AdminRemoved Event

Parameters help
address help

Paused Event

Parameters help

TokenDeposited Event

Parameters help
uint256 help
address help
address help
address help
uint32 help
uint256 help

TokenWithdrew Event

Parameters help
uint256 help
address help
address help
uint256 help

Unpaused Event

Parameters help

registry Variable

address help

depositCount Variable

uint256 help

admin Variable

address help

paused Variable

bool help

deposits Variable

DepositEntry[] help
Internal Variable

withdrawals Variable

mapping(uint256 => WithdrawalEntry) help
Internal Variable

_proxyTo Variable

address help
Internal Variable

Functions Expand All Collapse All

changeAdmin keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
address help


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction

Requirements help

Source Code
function changeAdmin(address _newAdmin) external onlyAdmin {
  require(_newAdmin != address(0));
  emit AdminChanged(admin, _newAdmin);
  admin = _newAdmin;

removeAdmin keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

This function has no parameters.


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction
Source Code
function removeAdmin() external onlyAdmin {
  emit AdminRemoved(admin);
  admin = address(0);

pause keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

This function has no parameters.


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction
Source Code
function pause() public onlyAdmin whenNotPaused {
  paused = true;
  emit Paused();

unpause keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

This function has no parameters.


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction
Source Code
function unpause() public onlyAdmin whenPaused {
  paused = false;
  emit Unpaused();

updateRegistry keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
address help


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction
Source Code
function updateRegistry(address _registry) external onlyAdmin {
  registry = Registry(_registry);

constructor keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

This function has no parameters.


Visibility help public
Mutability help payable
Source Code
function() external payable {}

depositEth keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

This function has no parameters.


Visibility help public
Mutability help payable

Modifiers help

Requirements help

Source Code
function depositEth() external payable whenNotPaused returns (uint256) {
  return depositEthFor(msg.sender);

depositERC20 keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
address help
uint256 help


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction

Modifiers help

Requirements help

Source Code
function depositERC20(address _token, uint256 _amount)
  returns (uint256)
  return depositERC20For(msg.sender, _token, _amount);

depositERC721 keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
address help
uint256 help


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction

Modifiers help

Requirements help

Source Code
function depositERC721(address _token, uint256 _tokenId)
  returns (uint256)
  return depositERC721For(msg.sender, _token, _tokenId);

depositEthFor keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
address help


Visibility help public
Mutability help payable

Modifiers help

Requirements help

Source Code
function depositEthFor(address _owner)
  returns (uint256)
  address _weth = registry.getContract(registry.WETH_TOKEN());
  return _createDepositEntry(_owner, _weth, 20, msg.value);

depositERC20For keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
address help
address help
uint256 help


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction

Modifiers help

Requirements help

Source Code
function depositERC20For(
  address _user,
  address _token,
  uint256 _amount
) public whenNotPaused returns (uint256) {
    IERC20(_token).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount),
    "MainchainGatewayManager: ERC-20 token transfer failed"
  return _createDepositEntry(_user, _token, 20, _amount);

depositERC721For keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
address help
address help
uint256 help


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction

Modifiers help

Requirements help

Source Code
function depositERC721For(
  address _user,
  address _token,
  uint256 _tokenId
) public whenNotPaused returns (uint256) {
  IERC721(_token).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _tokenId);
  return _createDepositEntry(_user, _token, 721, _tokenId);

depositBulkFor keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
address help
address[] help
uint256[] help


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction

Modifiers help

Source Code
function depositBulkFor(
  address _user,
  address[] memory _tokens,
  uint256[] memory _tokenNumbers
) public whenNotPaused {
  require(_tokens.length == _tokenNumbers.length);

  for (uint256 _i = 0; _i < _tokens.length; _i++) {
    address _token = _tokens[_i];
    uint256 _tokenNumber = _tokenNumbers[_i];
    (, , uint32 _standard) = registry.getMappedToken(_token, true);

    if (_standard == 20) {
      depositERC20For(_user, _token, _tokenNumber);
    } else if (_standard == 721) {
      depositERC721For(_user, _token, _tokenNumber);
    } else {
      revert("Token is not mapped or token type not supported");

withdrawToken keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
uint256 help
address help
uint256 help
bytes help


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction

Modifiers help

Source Code
function withdrawToken(
  uint256 _withdrawalId,
  address _token,
  uint256 _amount,
  bytes memory _signatures
) public whenNotPaused {
  withdrawTokenFor(_withdrawalId, msg.sender, _token, _amount, _signatures);

withdrawTokenFor keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
uint256 help
address help
address help
uint256 help
bytes help


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction

Modifiers help

Source Code
function withdrawTokenFor(
  uint256 _withdrawalId,
  address _user,
  address _token,
  uint256 _amount,
  bytes memory _signatures
) public whenNotPaused {
  (, , uint32 _tokenType) = registry.getMappedToken(_token, true);

  if (_tokenType == 20) {
    withdrawERC20For(_withdrawalId, _user, _token, _amount, _signatures);
  } else if (_tokenType == 721) {
    withdrawERC721For(_withdrawalId, _user, _token, _amount, _signatures);

withdrawERC20 keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
uint256 help
address help
uint256 help
bytes help


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction

Modifiers help

Requirements help

Source Code
function withdrawERC20(
  uint256 _withdrawalId,
  address _token,
  uint256 _amount,
  bytes memory _signatures
) public whenNotPaused {
  withdrawERC20For(_withdrawalId, msg.sender, _token, _amount, _signatures);

withdrawERC20For keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
uint256 help
address help
address help
uint256 help
bytes help


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction

Modifiers help

onlyMappedToken checks for the following:

Requirements help

Source Code
function withdrawERC20For(
  uint256 _withdrawalId,
  address _user,
  address _token,
  uint256 _amount,
  bytes memory _signatures
) public whenNotPaused onlyMappedToken(_token, 20) {
  bytes32 _hash = keccak256(
    abi.encodePacked("withdrawERC20", _withdrawalId, _user, _token, _amount)

  require(verifySignatures(_hash, _signatures));

  if (_token == registry.getContract(registry.WETH_TOKEN())) {
    _withdrawETHFor(_user, _amount);
  } else {
    uint256 _gatewayBalance = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));

    if (_gatewayBalance < _amount) {
        "MainchainGatewayManager: Minting ERC20 token to gateway failed"

    require(IERC20(_token).transfer(_user, _amount), "Transfer failed");

  _insertWithdrawalEntry(_withdrawalId, _user, _token, _amount);

withdrawERC721 keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
uint256 help
address help
uint256 help
bytes help


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction

Modifiers help

Requirements help

Source Code
function withdrawERC721(
  uint256 _withdrawalId,
  address _token,
  uint256 _tokenId,
  bytes memory _signatures
) public whenNotPaused {
  withdrawERC721For(_withdrawalId, msg.sender, _token, _tokenId, _signatures);

withdrawERC721For keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
uint256 help
address help
address help
uint256 help
bytes help


Visibility help public
Mutability help transaction

Modifiers help

onlyMappedToken checks for the following:

Requirements help

Source Code
function withdrawERC721For(
  uint256 _withdrawalId,
  address _user,
  address _token,
  uint256 _tokenId,
  bytes memory _signatures
) public whenNotPaused onlyMappedToken(_token, 721) {
  bytes32 _hash = keccak256(
    abi.encodePacked("withdrawERC721", _withdrawalId, _user, _token, _tokenId)

  require(verifySignatures(_hash, _signatures));

  if (!_tryERC721TransferFrom(_token, address(this), _user, _tokenId)) {
      IERC721Mintable(_token).mint(_user, _tokenId),
      "MainchainGatewayManager: Minting ERC721 token to gateway failed"

  _insertWithdrawalEntry(_withdrawalId, _user, _token, _tokenId);

verifySignatures keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
bytes32 help
bytes help


Visibility help public
Mutability help view
Source Code
function verifySignatures(bytes32 _hash, bytes memory _signatures)
  returns (bool)
  uint256 _signatureCount = _signatures.length.div(66);

  Validator _validator = Validator(registry.getContract(registry.VALIDATOR()));
  uint256 _validatorCount = 0;
  address _lastSigner = address(0);

  for (uint256 i = 0; i < _signatureCount; i++) {
    address _signer = _hash.recover(_signatures, i.mul(66));
    if (_validator.isValidator(_signer)) {
    // Prevent duplication of signatures
    require(_signer > _lastSigner);
    _lastSigner = _signer;

  return _validator.checkThreshold(_validatorCount);

Internal Functions Expand All Collapse All

Internal functions are parts of the contract that can't be used directly, but instead are used by the public functions listed above.

internal MainchainGatewayManager._createDepositEntry keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
address help
address help
uint32 help
uint256 help


Visibility help internal
Mutability help transaction

Modifiers help

onlyMappedToken checks for the following:

Requirements help

Source Code
function _createDepositEntry(
  address _owner,
  address _token,
  uint32 _standard,
  uint256 _number
) internal onlyMappedToken(_token, _standard) returns (uint256 _depositId) {
  (, address _sidechainToken, uint32 _tokenStandard) = registry.getMappedToken(
  require(_standard == _tokenStandard);

  DepositEntry memory _entry = DepositEntry(

  _depositId = depositCount++;

  emit TokenDeposited(

internal MainchainGatewayManager._insertWithdrawalEntry keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
uint256 help
address help
address help
uint256 help


Visibility help internal
Mutability help transaction

Modifiers help

Source Code
function _insertWithdrawalEntry(
  uint256 _withdrawalId,
  address _owner,
  address _token,
  uint256 _number
) internal onlyNewWithdrawal(_withdrawalId) {
  WithdrawalEntry memory _entry = WithdrawalEntry(_owner, _token, _number);

  withdrawals[_withdrawalId] = _entry;

  emit TokenWithdrew(_withdrawalId, _owner, _token, _number);

internal MainchainGatewayManager._withdrawETHFor keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
address help
uint256 help


Visibility help internal
Mutability help transaction
Source Code
function _withdrawETHFor(address _user, uint256 _amount) internal {
  address _weth = registry.getContract(registry.WETH_TOKEN());

internal MainchainGatewayManager._tryERC721TransferFrom keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

Name Type
address help
address help
address help
uint256 help


Visibility help internal
Mutability help transaction
Source Code
function _tryERC721TransferFrom(
  address _token,
  address _from,
  address _to,
  uint256 _tokenId
) internal returns (bool) {
  (bool success, ) =
  return success;

internal HasAdmin.constructor keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

This function has no parameters.


Visibility help internal
Mutability help transaction
Source Code
constructor() internal {
  admin = msg.sender;
  emit AdminChanged(address(0), admin);

internal HasAdmin.constructor keyboard_arrow_up

Parameters help

This function has no parameters.


Visibility help internal
Mutability help transaction
Source Code
constructor() internal {
  admin = msg.sender;
  emit AdminChanged(address(0), admin);